Sun Sentinel – 7/30/14
Long-distance train service deserves support
All Aboard Florida is a much-needed transportation project that will transform the way we travel. The project is privately funded, will benefit our economy as well as our environment and will provide residents with a much-needed alternative to automobile travel.
Anybody who has been on I-95 recently knows what it’s like to drive on crowded roads. This congestion is only expected to worsen as more people move to our beautiful state. All Aboard Florida estimates they will remove 3 million cars from Florida’s roads; that’s significant. People are more apt to live in areas with strong transportation networks and walkable communities. This project will revolutionize mobility and revitalize portions of Florida that might have otherwise been past the point of revitalization.
All Aboard Florida will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use far less fuel to move us from point A to point B, and save us money by reducing budget allocations for road construction and maintenance.
This is an example of the private sector stepping up to meet a transportation market need. It’s unheard of for a private company to leverage assets to take a risk of this magnitude. We should applaud that type of commitment to our community.
If they don’t take this risk, the need for transportation options doesn’t go away. If a private company doesn’t do it, the government will, and then we’ll be wondering why we didn’t support All Aboard Florida.
This project is a win-win for our state, taxpayers and our economy.
Laura Croscenco, Fort Lauderdale