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Dear all,

Following up on the MRTNA Mixer at Warsaw Coffee Company last month, we welcome your attendance at our upcoming MRTNA Board Meeting this coming Monday. The agenda is enclosed and we have open board positions. We will be discussing exciting new initiatives – the KaBoom playground at Middle River Terrace Park, the incredible artist Moshe proposing artwork for the roundabout on Dixie Highway (at NE 16th Court), and the wonderful long term solution proposed for the dock issues. For the dock, huge thank you’s go to our Vice Mayor Dean Trantalis, GYR Committee Lead Joann Block, and a wonderful resident Jose Chambless.


March 13th, 2017, 5:00-6:00pm
Iron Workers Local 272
1201 NE 7th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Immediately following our board meeting starting at 6:00pm is the Quarterly District II Crime Meeting, which you are also welcome to attend.
Look forward to seeing you!
Warm regards,

President, MRTNA