A portion of the area of the CCRAB lies within the Middle River Terrace Neighborhood. Their job is to advise the City Commission of issues that need to be addressed within their boundaries. There are a couple of items that were discussed at their last meeting that we would like to share with our neighbors.

Short and Long term goals of the CCRAB were discussed and members of the board applied stickers to a board indicating their priorities for addressing short and long term goals. The colors of the circles are insignificant. Since the wording on the board is hard to read, these are the selections in the same order as on the board with colored dots. A couple of their long term goals, boundaries expansion and rezone for redevelopment, would possibly increase north of 13th Street into our neighborhood with a possibility of zoning changes and ability for other types of construction to take place in our neighborhood, also, with this expansion a portion of our property taxes would be diverted to business expansion type efforts instead of all of it going to the county coffer.

Al Battle, who will be at our September General Meeting at the Police Substation on September 14th at 4pm to answer any questions neighbors have concerning the CCRAB. Mr. Battle has asked that any questions to be posed to him be e-mailed to: so he may be better prepared to answer your questions at the meeting.

Increase Lighting Rezone for Redevelopment
Repair Sidewalks On-street Parking
Litter Control Incentives for New Businesses and Business Expansions
Code Enforcement Increase Depth of Commercial Properties along Main arteries
Increase Policing Get Transit Stop on 13th Street
Façade Program Boundaries Expansion
Clean-up Medians Exercise Eminent Domain to get rid of “derelict” properties
Landscape Bring in big name stores
13th Street – Streetscape Winn Dixie Plaza (9th Ave and Sunrise Blvd)
More Art on our street NW 15th Avenue & Sunrise (NE side of 15th)
Green space Beautification Sunrise from 9th Avenue to 15th Avenue
Event Sponsorships Infrastructure
