The vacant parcel next to the south side of Middle River Terrace Park is contaminated with Arsenic.The property was recently rejected for purchase by the city commission for the expansion of the park due to contamination. Broward County had given the city 1 million dollars for the purchase, but has since been returned to the county. The Middle River Terrace Board has requested documentation of testing that was done on the MRT Park property when it was purchased to determine what testing was done and the results of the testing. The city manager has yet to respond to that request. The monitoring wells on the property, one of which is a few feet from the park property, have tested as high as 68 times greater than the acceptable levels of arsenic set by the Environmental Protection Agency. Members of the MRT board have reported this issue to the Environmental Protection Agency out of concern for citizens using the park. A recent news article concerning the Annie Beck House, “A new look for old house”, that is posted below explains a few uses for the park property.
The photo below shows the blighted, boarded up building on the contaminated parcel next to the Middle River Terrace Park. In the foreground, the small concrete square is one of the many monitoring wells that have shown high levels of arsenic.