It’s that time of year again when we encourage members of the association to consider serving on the board. The election of the board members is held annually at our July meetings which happens to be on the 6th this year. Per our by-laws all nominations for the election must be presented at the general membership meeting in June. At that meeting, the floor will be open for any and all nominations. Once those nominations are submitted the nominations are closed and only those candidates will appear on the ballot at the July election. Voting will be by paper ballot for all members of the association. Per our by-laws you are granted the right to hold office and to vote on any issues that comes before the association if you are a paid member.
If you are interested in possibly serving and have a special area of interest or expertise, click on the tab at the top to see a copy of our by-laws. Under Article IV, Board of Directors, you can see the positions available with a brief description for each. If for some reason you cannot attend the June meeting and you are interested in serving, please go to the Board of Directors tab and send an email to the Secretary stating the position you are interested in seeking . The Secretary will then submit your name for nomination.