
Our recent MRTNA Ready Day event was a great success. Great food and drinks were provided thanks to the generosity of Jonathon and Jay.

All readiness Hurrricane Kits and Hurricane readiness brochures were provided by the City of Fort Lauderdale, National Weather Service of South Florida, the Broward County emergency department and distributed by MRTNA to all neighbors present at our July General Meeting. The extra kits were distributed immediately after to few residents living close along the train tracks and NE 5 Terrace.

We were able to invite as special speakers Mr. Robert Garcia, Senior Meteorologist National Weather Service of South Florida and Mrs.Penni Saginario, of the Broward County emergency department. They educated

I would like to thank the City of Fort Lauderdale for providing the kits and all vital Hurricane information and for giving us the opportunity to earn 500 points toward future NCIP grants.

A special thanks to all our volunteers, our Police officer Zach Baro, Mr. Garcia, Mrs Saginario, our BOD and  Jorg Hruschka Fort Lauderdale Chief Officer .